Depression Archives - Serene Shift Justine Weber Psy.D. :: Psychological Services Mon, 05 Oct 2020 21:02:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Depression Archives - Serene Shift 32 32 Marriage and Family: Navigating Cultural Differences for Healthier Relationships Mon, 05 Oct 2020 21:02:34 +0000 The post Marriage and Family: Navigating Cultural Differences for Healthier Relationships appeared first on Serene Shift.


Marriage and Family: Navigating Cultural Differences for Healthier Relationships

Navigating cultural differences is a large part of what makes traveling so fun. At home, however, differing cultural norms and expectations can lead to tension within marriages or among family members.

Many of my patients struggle to bridge a cultural divide between them and their spouse–who is of a different culture, country, and/or religion–or between immigrant parents and first-generation children. Communicating across this chasm takes understanding, empathy, flexibility, and most importantly, practice.

Below, I explain the most common issues I see between spouses or loved ones of different cultures, such as:

1. Mismatched expectations around gender roles or parenting styles
2. A lack of understanding between parents and children who grew up in different places
3. Communication challenges or hostility between spouses or family members
4. Struggles around moving to America and adapting to everyday cultural differences and expectations

I also share some of the most effective strategies for overcoming these challenges to promote greater love and understanding.

Issue 1: Mismatched expectations around gender roles or parenting roles and styles

In romantic relationships, each of us come with certain assumptions and expectations about how our significant other should behave. These expectations about gender roles and parenting styles may be pretty far apart when partners come from different cultures and backgrounds.

For example, a woman born in China may believe that her spouse should be the sole family provider for their nuclear family while she raises the kids. The American husband may believe that both spouses should work full-time to support the family while a nanny provides the childcare. He might also want the family to primarily speak English at home, while his wife and in-laws want to raise the children mostly in Mandarin.

You may not even realize that you hold these internal assumptions around relationships and childcare, or that your partner and extended family don’t agree, until you fight about them for the first time. Experienced again and again, these disagreements cause significant marital and familial conflict.

The Solution:

Like with any type of martial or familial conflict, differing cultural expectations around familial roles and parenting are best resolved through better communication. In couples counseling, I help my patients agree upon their shared vision of the ideal marriage, home in on what each person would like to improve, and create a path forward.

Some general questions that could help you do this in your family or relationship include:

  • What do you need from me?
  • What can I do to support you?
  • How can I make you feel loved?
  • What can I do to make you happier?
  • What do you like best about our relationship?
  • What would our perfect relationship look like?

This is a great way to uncover assumptions and expectations that are leading to disagreements and have calm, positive discussion about how to move forward.

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Issue 2: A lack of understanding between parents and children who grew up in different places

Cultural divisions also frequently show up between immigrant parents and first-generation children who grow up in different countries. Although they may be of the same race, their backgrounds could be completely different.

For instance, Korean parents who grew up in post-war South Korea and their Korean-American children growing up in the United States in the 2000s experience very different childhoods that determine their world view, values, communication style, and more. This can lead to consistent friction in the relationship.

Teenagers may feel misunderstood and smothered, causing them to act out in unhealthy ways, which can lead parents to become fearful for their children’s safety and become even more overprotective.

The Solution:

Bridging cultural divides within families comes down to a few essentials:

1. Allowing everyone to feel heard and be receptive about what is trying to be communicated
2. Examining what is needed to feel safe and secure in a relationship
3. Enhancing flexibility and resiliency
4. Managing fear impulses in a sustainable manner
5. Establishing respectful, realistic, and healthy boundaries
6. Replacing unhealthy expectations with realistic and sustainable ones

If you have tried to work through these issues with your family in the past, to no success, you should consider reaching out to a trained psychologist or family therapist. A neutral third-party can be very helpful in moderating emotionally fraught discussions and ensuring they head in a constructive direction.

During these types of discussions, I encourage family members to give everyone a chance to speak. No interrupting or shouting, just listening and then responding when it is your turn. Afterward, we work on setting healthy boundaries together.

For example, if the teenager feels smothered because their parents want to know where they are every minute, we might try phone check-ins at designated times instead. If parents feel that their child doesn’t respect their culture, perhaps agreeing to speak the parents’ native language at home can demonstrate respect and compassion.

Communicating more effectively, making sure everyone feels respected and heard, and enforcing healthy attachment styles can do wonders in overcoming a lack of understanding between family members who grow up in different places.

Issue 3: Moving to America and struggling to fit in or adapt your “old” culture with your “new” one

Moving to a new country makes us question our identity: Who am I in this new place? How do I integrate elements of my home country into my new home? How can I understand and adapt to new cultural norms that may go against my previous culture?

As a new American, your day-to-day life may be very different from what you are accustomed to, which can be uncomfortable.

The Solution:

The key to adapting to a new way of life is learning to be flexible. You may not love everything about your new home, but adopting a mindset of going with the flow and accepting what comes will make the most of your situation. Try the following strategies to stay flexible:

  • Give yourself time. Everyone who experiences a major life change, such as a move or a divorce, goes through an adjustment period where things feel new and overwhelming. Understand that it may take several months or years before you feel at home, or at least, less overwhelmed.
  • Be kind. Prioritize self-care, such as cooking your favorite family meals and getting enough sleep. It’s normal to feel homesick, angry, and depressed. You may experience changes in your eating and sleeping habits.
  • Connect with others and build your support network. Find a new church, join an English language learning group, meet fellow expats. Lean on your family and friends from your previous home when you need to discuss your frustrations or speak your native language.
  • Stay curious. Think of obstacles like figuring out your bus route or shopping for groceries as opportunities to explore your new life.

Finding the middle ground takes practice

When you are from different cultures, meeting your spouse, family members, or neighbors halfway takes practice. The tips above can put you on the right path toward bridging the gap.

If you need additional help communicating with your partner or family member from another culture, or are struggling to navigate the anxieties of a new life, please reach out to me.

I can guide you through depression, anxiety, couples counseling, and similar issues. Schedule an appointment (video or in-person) with me now.

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How to Manage Anxiety and Panic Attacks More Effectively Sat, 01 Aug 2020 22:18:37 +0000 The post How to Manage Anxiety and Panic Attacks More Effectively appeared first on Serene Shift.


How to Manage Anxiety and Panic Attacks More Effectively

How much time and mental energy do we spend stressing about what could occur tomorrow, next month, or next year? How often do we worry about trying to prevent something that might never happen?

Anxiety is the body’s way of responding to stressful situations, creating a fight-or-flight response in the face of danger. When your sympathetic nervous system activates, it increases heart rate and alertness, preparing you for action.

Occasional anxiety can be helpful when responding to a serious threat or in less deadly situations that need our attention, like preparing for a job interview.

Frequent anxiety and panic attacks, however, can be very harmful to mental and physical health. If you are constantly in activation mode, geared up for action and anxious and worried over everyday events, your body and mind can become debilitated.

Developing healthy habits to prevent and respond to anxiety is essential for staying calm, happy, and at your best. In this article, I’m explaining what you need to know about anxiety:

  • The causes and symptoms of anxiety
  • How to manage anxiety in the short and long term
  • How to get through panic attacks
  • Strategies for minimizing everyday anxiety and feeling calmer and more grounded

Types of Anxiety Disorders and Symptoms

We’ve all experienced anxiety at one time or another. It’s normal to sometimes worry about things like performing well at work or school, raising kids, and going on a first date.

Anxiety disorders go beyond normal worrying. People with anxiety disorders experience frequent, intense, and persistent worry about everyday scenarios. Common symptoms include the following.

  • Feeling nervous, tense, or restless
  • A sense of panic or impending doom
  • Trouble focusing on anything but worrying
  • Feeling weak or tired
  • Fatigue and/or trouble sleeping
  • Higher than normal heart rate
  • Sweating and/or trembling
  • Hyperventilation

Anxiety disorders come in many forms. Below are three of the most common types.

  • Generalized anxiety disorder: Excessive worrying or fear for little or no reason. The worry and fear can be constant and debilitating.
  • Panic disorder: Sudden and overwhelming fear that triggers a panic attack. Symptoms of a panic attack include chest pain, excessive sweating, noticeable heartbeat (palpitations), and shortness of breath.
  • Social anxiety disorder: Intense worrying or self-consciousness in social situations. People with social anxiety disorder may obsess over being embarrassed in front of others.

What Causes Anxiety?

Triggers are cues in the environment which can lead to anxiety. They can be external or caused internally via the senses. Common anxiety triggers include:

  • Sensations (such as smell or touch) that remind you of a traumatic event, such as a medical emergency
  • Revisiting traumatic areas, like a certain room or street
  • Overwhelming environments
  • Thoughts of the future or past
  • Thoughts about something you haven’t finished
  • Focusing on something you wished was different or didn’t happen
  • Financial stress
  • Health conditions and/or medications
  • Thinking about anxiety (anxiety or panic attacks can be triggered by the mere thought of having anxiety)

Normally, anxiety is a natural and temporary response to stress. However, it is important to note that frequent feelings of anxiety condition our brains to have more anxiety in the future.

If you’ve gone through this and now experience constant anxiety or fear that becomes overwhelming, you may be dealing with an anxiety disorder.

How to Manage Anxiety

Shifting to a healthier, more sustainable way of thinking is not easy. How does anyone break unhealthy habits? The answer is: greater awareness.

Our brains are so complex, yet can be simple when we really understand the wiring that forms unhealthy results. To alter unhealthy habits, our brains need new information in order to carve out new pathways that lead to different results.

By noticing the negative results of your actions–for example, worrying about tomorrow immediately makes it more difficult to breathe–you become more aware of your behavior and sensations.

This creates more clarity and understanding so you can begin to “uncondition” your brain and have a healthier attachment with anxiety. You can find a path to reset your brain and create more effective behavior. The more aware you are, the less overwhelming anxiety and panic attacks will be.

To address anxiety long-term:

1. Pay attention to your triggers.

2. Notice how they make you feel.

3. Be curious and investigate the behaviors they create.

Greater awareness can help to reset unhealthy behaviors and improve health and quality of life in the long run.

For your day-to-day needs, try implementing one of the following strategies. Once you’ve mastered that one, move on to the others.

1. Breath into anxiety

Anxiety can cause shallow breathing or shortness of breath, which can sometimes lead to even greater anxiety. In these moments, focus on your breathing. Mindful breathing is an easy way to relieve anxiety, decrease stress and depression, and help with chronic pain.

1. Sit or stand in a quiet area. Close your eyes.

2. Put your hands on your stomach.

3. Breathe in “calm” through your nose for 5 counts, hold for 5 counts. Open your mouth and breath out “anxiety” for 5 counts.

4. Notice your stomach rise and fall. Feel your heartbeat slow and become more even.

5. Do this 5 times.

6. Ask: What do you notice in your body?

Quick tip: Many of my patients also find it helpful to count breaths in order to calm themselves. For example, breathe in on 1, breath out on 2. Repeat, continuing to count 1-2, 1-2, or count up to 10 before starting over.

2. Examine your body (Body Scan)

In moments of extreme anxiety, shift your attention and focus to your physical sensations in your body.

  • Can you hear your heart beating?
  • Do you notice more sensations in the right or left side of your chest?
  • Do you feel heat in your chest?
  • Does your chest feel heavy or hollow?
  • What do you notice in your stomach?
  • Do you notice pressure, tension, tightness, emptiness, heaviness, heat, a prickly feeling, unease, pain, fidgeting, restlessness?
  • How does your jaw feel?

Embrace your attention with curiosity. The more specific and curious you are with the sensations in your body, the more resilience you will build when experiencing anxiety symptoms.

This is one technique that will guide you to lean toward your difficult sensations (resilience and strength) rather than resisting them (which makes anxiety symptoms worse).

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3. Notice what you are experiencing

One quick tip that I often share with my patients: bring awareness to what is already happening. When a panic attack hits, recognize that you’re having a panic attack and know that it will eventually pass.

Accept that you know what is happening, you know what to do, and that you will be okay. Remember that when you recognize your triggers, you are better prepared to handle triggers differently.

4. Build practical and daily routines

Having a practical daily routine creates space for you to feel secure, clear your mind, and ground yourself for your day. This will maximize your chances of being able to handle anxiety or panic more effectively and enhance your ability to regulate difficult emotions.

To start your routine, wake up a little earlier than you need to start your day. Spend 5 minutes in the morning alone to ground yourself.

For example: wake up, close your eyes for a body scan, then do 10 segments of short breathing exercises (counting 1-2, 1-2, etc.). Finish off by writing 3 things you are most thankful for today. When you get in the shower, bring attention to how the water feels on your back.

Also, give your body what it needs to thrive throughout the day. Eating a healthy diet is essential to good physical and mental health. Some foods in particular have been linked with reduced anxiety:

  • Salmon
  • Chamomile tea and green tea
  • Yogurt and other probiotic foods
  • Dark chocolate
  • Turmeric

Be sure to eat properly portioned meals at regular intervals to keep your energy levels consistent.

Lastly, don’t forget about the importance of sleep and exercise to your health. Anxiety can manifest physically in the body, especially if experienced long-term. Going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day takes care of your body and mind, injects calmness into your life, and minimizes anxiety.

5. Limit news and social media

In this fast-paced world, FOMO (the fear of missing out) can leave us glued to social media and news outlets. Endless feeds can make us addicted to the constant stream of information, much of which is negative and dramatic.

Experts call our addiction to negative news “doom scrolling.” This behavior can significantly contribute to anxiety and panic attacks.

Be aware of how actions affect your mental health. Notice what increases anxiety, such as ingesting too much news or social media. Assess whether you are more anxious after watching hours of the news and whether it is difficult for you to unplug from the constant stimulation.

These are indications that you may need to minimize news and social media. Ask yourself, “Is watching/reading/listening to this going to be helpful for me?” If the answer is no, realize that you have the control to walk away from something that is harmful to you.

6. Don’t avoid your anxiety — focus on what you can change

When faced with anxiety and/or panic attacks it’s often tempting to avoid triggers altogether, but trying to distract yourself from symptoms will also increase symptoms.

If you notice the symptoms coming, let them come. Ask yourself, “In this moment, what do I have control of?” Then, continue to identify your triggers and work on building a healthy response to anxiety-inducing situations in order to build resilience.

If you need assistance along the way, I am an experienced psychologist who specializes in anxiety disorders, depression, and more. I help patients “reset” ingrained thinking spirals that cause and exacerbate anxiety, and guide them toward a more serene life.

Contact me now to schedule a virtual appointment.

The post How to Manage Anxiety and Panic Attacks More Effectively appeared first on Serene Shift.

Going Back to Work After Coronavirus Lockdown: 5 Ways to Thrive Mon, 01 Jun 2020 20:25:08 +0000 The post Going Back to Work After Coronavirus Lockdown: 5 Ways to Thrive appeared first on Serene Shift.


Going Back to Work After Coronavirus Lockdown: 5 Ways to Thrive

As shelter-in-place orders relax and people start returning to work and everyday life, we’re finally saying goodbye to cabin fever. But COVID-19 isn’t gone, leaving many of us with questions while going back to work or searching for a new job:

  • Is it safe to go back to work?
  • What things should we take into consideration when going back to work or looking for a new job?
  • How can we manage anxiety, stress, overwhelm, or rejection when returning to work or searching for a new job?

Below, I’m sharing 5 strategies to help you and your family stay well and thrive during this period of transition.

1. Accept that things may be different

While being able to go back to work can be a reassuring sign of improvement for both your life and the economy, it also doesn’t mean that everything will be perfect as soon as you walk in the office doors.

You may still be anxious about personal issues (the risk of getting sick, financial troubles, finding childcare, etc.), overwhelmed about being in close quarters with others after months of social isolation, less enthused than before about work, or missing coworkers who have been laid off.

To combat these negative feelings, try to remind yourself that change is a natural part of life. More than that, change can be great: getting outside of your comfort zone often leads to exciting opportunities and a new appreciation for aspects of life you previously overlooked, such as the ability to catch up with coworkers in person.

Your new work routine (or even your job itself) may not be exactly the same as before coronavirus, but recognizing that change can be positive–and that you have the ability to adapt to anything that comes your way–may soothe some anxiety about returning to work.

2. Develop resilience

In “Coronavirus: 5 Hidden Positives the Media Doesn’t Talk About,” I explain how important developing resilience–the ability to get through difficult circumstances–is during coronavirus. Resilience can help us stay mentally healthy and ward off negative feelings like anxiety, isolation, and depression.

Fortunately, resilience is a skill that anyone can develop. If you’ve lost a job or are going through financial difficulties, use the following tips to dust yourself off and push through what feels like a hopeless situation. You can come out on the other side stronger than before.

  • Embrace change.
  • Know that hope isn’t lost. You’ve made it through hardships before and you’ll do it again, so it’s best not to focus on the negative.
  • Practice optimism. Reflect on your skills and achievements, allowing yourself to feel confident about your past successes and those you can accomplish in a future job with those same traits.
  • Understand yourself and your needs. Practice self-care.
  • Look at what is causing you worry and stress, and then tackle those things. For example, if you’re worried about your health, take action to stay healthy–eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and sleep enough. This could assuage your worries and leave your mind calmer.
  • Lean on your support network.
  • List achievable goals and break them down into actionable steps. These may be personal or work objectives. Setting realistic goals leads to progress and keeps your spirits up, which encourages further excitement about the future.

3. Work where you’re comfortable

Being able to go into work again can’t come soon enough for some, but others are understandably still wary about venturing into public due to health concerns.

Assess how comfortable you are with physically going into a workplace. What specific worries do you have about rejoining the workspace? Has your company (or the companies you’re applying to) put sufficient improvements in place to protect employees as much as possible?

If you’re not comfortable with your current employer’s response, speak with your manager or HR department about other arrangements. If you’re applying to a new role, speak to your recruitment contact about what preparations the company has put in place.

Don’t be afraid to have a discussion about flexible working arrangements, especially if you are immunocompromised or have close family members who are at risk. It never hurts to ask about working shifts that avoid high-traffic office hours or working from home. If you do end up working from home, use tip #4 to set yourself up for success.

4. Set boundaries between home and work

While working remotely can minimize the health worries of being among a large group of coworkers, it provides its own unique challenges. The two biggest issues people come to me about are:

  1. The blurring between work time and home time
  2. Feelings of isolation.

Without an option to physically leave the office at the end of the day, many of us tend to put in longer hours and feel like we’re constantly “on.” To combat this and protect your mental health, establish boundaries.

For example, try an “office hours” schedule with built-in breaks, a lunch hour, and a specific time to clock out. A good routine will ward off burnout. Along the same lines, blocking off 15 minutes to transition from the job mindset to a home mindset at the end of the workday can also smooth your mental shift towards relaxation time.

Think about it as time you’d normally spend driving home and decompressing from the day. Incorporate relaxing activities that typically help you separate yourself from work, such as listening to music or taking a rejuvenating walk.

5. Reach out for support

As coronavirus lockdown relaxes, it’s important to recognize that this is still a chaotic time and you may need extra support. If you need help getting through these uniquely challenging times, I’m available for virtual telehealth sessions using Zoom to discuss:

  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Overwhelm (lack of consistent schedule)
  • Panic disorders
  • Social isolation and loneliness
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Parenting challenges
  • And more

I offer flexible scheduling to fit your needs. Please schedule your virtual telehealth appointment with me today.

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Self-Care During Coronavirus: 9 Tips to Beat Loneliness and Isolation Mon, 23 Mar 2020 17:05:50 +0000 The post Self-Care During Coronavirus: 9 Tips to Beat Loneliness and Isolation appeared first on Serene Shift.


Self-Care During Coronavirus: 9 Tips to Beat Loneliness and Isolation.

With California recently announcing a statewide shelter in place order aimed at preventing the spread of Coronavirus, it looks like many of us are going to be hunkered down at home for the foreseeable future.

While good for public health, this isolation can take a toll on your psyche. Under the best of times, retreating from the world can easily lead to loneliness, anxiety and depression, and physical symptoms related to these mental health challenges.

Add in the additional stresses that millions of us are now dealing with–health concerns, job loss, worrying about bills, keeping kids engaged with e-learning–and the chances of feeling isolated, lonely, and anxious go way up. Fortunately, there are steps you can take during Coronavirus lockdown to:

  • Ward off loneliness
  • Feel connected with your community and social circles
  • De-stress
  • Feel less anxious
  • Establish good, balanced mental health

Read on to discover these strategies for better self-care during challenging times.

1-Name your emotions

Take a moment to assess how you’re feeling. Do you feel anxious? Depressed? Overwhelmed?

Try naming your emotions and identifying the feeling with an explanation. For example, “I’m anxious in my chest right now because I’m worried about draining my finances.” It sounds simple, but it really can help you calmly assess your emotions and lead to a greater sense of control and balance.

2-Find a routine that works for you

Humans are habitual creatures. Routines are comforting and help us make sense of life’s chaos. If you’re no longer going into the office or attending happy hour like normal, you might feel a little lost or unproductive.

Create a new routine. Set realistic, manageable goals for yourself and follow a ritual that makes sense for you.

  • Maintain good sleep hygiene: Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day. Keep your bedroom a quiet, calm space.
  • Exercise in any way you can–if possible, get outside and go on a walk with your spouse or your dog.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet, with set mealtimes and regular snacks.
  • Set boundaries between work from home time and personal time.
  • Feel free to binge Netflix but be mindful of how many hours you spend in front of the TV.

3-Keep in touch (without touching)

Suddenly being cut off from friends, family, coworkers, and small everyday social interactions can severely impact your mental health during times of crisis. Positive social support improves our resilience for coping with stress, even when practiced at a distance.

Catch up with your next door neighbors over the garden fence (keeping a distance of at least 6 feet) or host an event from your balcony.

4-Use tech tools

Use FaceTime or Skype for video calling. These are not only great tools for remote working and communicating with friends and family, they are also a fantastic way to keep small children occupied on a call with grandparents while you take care of household chores or catch up on work. Businesses are even using video tools to host virtual happy hours.

Email, text messages, and messaging apps (WhatsApp, Slack, etc.) can also help you feel like part of the group again.

  • Start group messages for family where you regularly check in and share updates
  • Swap photos of your creative indoor activities with friends
  • Create a thread with your coworkers where you share your best moments from the day, favorite work from home tips, and maybe even photos of your fluffy coworkers (your pets!)

5-Be “social”… but not too social

Sites like Twitter and Facebook can be a breeding ground for gossip and misinformation about Coronavirus, so exercise caution. Instead of endlessly scrolling through posts containing conflicting information, use social media to join support groups for those in similar situations to yourself, such as those homeschooling their kids or supporting elderly relatives.

6-Enjoy quality time with housemates

If you’re in Coronavirus lockdown with family members or roommates, check in with the people you are living with. This is a great opportunity to work on your existing relationships and spend quality time together, from playing with your kids in the garden or enjoying family activities like baking and painting. Coming together in these moments is a great way to collectively fight anxiety and depression.

7-Enjoy quality time with yourself

Looking after yourself well, and learning how and when to soothe yourself when lockdown or social distancing get tough, will be essential to getting through the coming weeks and months. Here are just a few ideas.

  • Treat yourself to a DIY massage, manicure, or pedicure.
  • Take a hot bath.
  • Curl up with a good book.
  • Write in a journal.
  • Try a fitness or yoga routine from YouTube.
  • Do guided meditation.
  • Doodle or enjoy a coloring book.

8-Know yourself

Some people can be more prone to feelings of anxiety, depression, or loneliness during social distancing and lockdown, such as people with a history of these challenges, elderly people who live alone, single parents with young children, and those who recently lost jobs (and the social and financial support that those jobs provided).

If you’ve experienced anxiety or depression in the past or you feel that you’re more prone to isolation and loneliness right now, make self-care a special priority and be aware that you may need to reach out to a professional for extra help.

9-Focus on balance

Self-care is more important than ever during these tough times. By creating balance in your mind, body, and spirit, you can find the calm that leads to clarity, ward off anxiety and depression, and gain the strength to make decisions that best support you and your family.

If you need help creating balance in your life right now, please schedule a virtual appointment with me. I specialize in assisting teens and adults with depression, anxiety disorders, parenting challenges, and more.

The post Self-Care During Coronavirus: 9 Tips to Beat Loneliness and Isolation appeared first on Serene Shift.

7 Ways to Guide Your Child Through Tragedy Mon, 27 Jan 2020 11:00:30 +0000 The post 7 Ways to Guide Your Child Through Tragedy appeared first on Serene Shift.


7 Ways to Guide Your Child Through Tragedy

The sudden death of Kobe Bryant, his young daughter Gianna, and seven others in a tragic helicopter accident have left families shaken, particularly around my Newport Beach community where many of the victims called home. During tough times like these, parents often struggle to help their children process news and work through intense emotions like anxiety, fear, and depression.

In this article, you will learn how to guide your child through a tragedy, particularly events that affect your larger community. We will discuss:

  • How to move past traumatic news event that can keep us stuck
  • Ways to make sense of news about a tragic death
  • Tips for ensuring we don’t fall into unhealthy patterns during grieving
  • How to respond positively for our children during tough times

How tragic current events can impact children

Most of us, including children and teenagers, hear news on TV, social media, and text quickly and often. News channels may break a story and then continue to play the same chaotic scene or coverage over and over again, overdramatizing coverage or adding misinformation.

Repeated exposure to these frantic news cycles can cause anxiety and obsessive ruminating thoughts in teenagers and children. It’s not uncommon for children to lose a sense of security and become fearful, developing fear as a defense mechanism to feel more in control of their chaotic surroundings and emotions.

These fears may be directly related to the situation at hand. For example, after hearing news of Kobe Bryant’s death, it’s understandable for children to become afraid of anything related to flying, helicopters, death, being away from home, or being alone.

Discovering a traumatic death on the news can also trigger other emotions from past trauma or a past death, such as the death of a grandparent, which can increase anxiety, fear, depression, insomnia, and repeated negative thinking.

Strategies to help your family through tough times

We need to be careful about what our children are exposed to and model healthy coping behaviors during difficult times. Assisting your child with developing healthy, sustainable coping skills is vital to ensuring they do not pursue unhealthy behaviors that create more suffering.

That brings us to the million-dollar question: how can we best teach our children to embrace tragedy with more strength?

1- You’ve probably heard the phrase “Put your own oxygen mask on first.” After hearing tragic news, identify what you need in any given moment for your own support. Ground yourself and treat yourself with compassion to create internal strength, so you can better assist your family.

2- Monitor your child’s social media, device, and TV exposure. Try to avoid having the TV on all day.

3- Be aware and notice any behavior that is not typical of your child. If they want space, this might be normal, but keep an eye out for any extreme or atypical behaviors such as: lack of appetite, not sleeping, isolation, not socializing, and extreme anger. Seek help if you notice extreme or dangerous behaviors.

4- After tragedy, you might be tempted to isolate yourself and avoid socializing or talking about tough topics. Your child, however, may need to work through questions and emotions by talking. If that’s the case, listen with full attention and focus when your child is talking to you. Make eye contact and show them that you are listening.

5- Similarly, be open to answering difficult questions if they are age-appropriate.

6- It’s okay to not know everything. Feel free to say “I don’t know” or “That’s a good question.” Sometimes just listening to your child is more meaningful than knowing all the answers.

7- Allow space for your child to experience any emotions, and try your best to assist them in staying present with their emotions and embracing them with kindness.

Experiencing difficult emotions is part of the healing process, so go through this process with your child, embracing it with loving, connected presence. Responding to a tragedy is never easy but it can be a wonderful opportunity to help your child and bring your family closer together.

If you need further guidance during tough times, please don’t be afraid to reach out for professional help. Make a virtual or in-person appointment today.

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Beat the Holiday Blues & Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Fri, 20 Dec 2019 20:19:35 +0000 The post Beat the Holiday Blues & Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) appeared first on Serene Shift.



During the holiday season, we’re inundated with movies and advertisements of festive families who all seem so happy, peaceful, beautiful… you know, perfect. For most of us mere mortals, though, the holiday season often brings up some conflicting emotions:

  • Happiness over seeing family and friends
  • Stress over budgeting for and buying gifts
  • Overwhelm when ensuring that everything is perfect for company

On top of this, seasonal affective disorder–a type of depression that is related to the changing seasons–can also leave you feeling more fatigued and emotional during the fall and winter months, thanks to fewer daylight hours and less sunlight.

If you’re experiencing the holiday blues or struggling with seasonal affective disorder, try these strategies that I guide my clients through every day. You’ll learn to shift your perspective and actually enjoy the end of the year!


Rather than heading into the holidays with a laundry list of shortcomings and complaints, flip the narrative around. Every day, recognize a few things that you’re grateful for, such as:

  • Sunshine and flowers outside
  • Breathing
  • A healthy body
  • Friendships and loved ones
  • Good food to eat
  • A home to sleep in

Jotting down a short list every day is a powerful tool to beat the holiday blues and seasonal affective disorder. It makes your gratitude “real,” which is huge considering that the positive effects of gratitude can last for months afterward! Plus, keeping a gratitude journal can be a great way to track positive progress.

Finally, noticing the things you normally take for granted and expressing your gratitude “rewires” your brain in a positive way, helping you to become happier and less depressed. Studies have found that gratitude can also move you away from negative emotions like resentment and envy. So, make your gratitude list a daily habit this holiday season.


Our lives are awfully busy these days, even more so during the packed holiday season and end-of-the-year crunch. Mindfulness techniques like meditation, which have been practiced for thousands of years, can prioritize our mental and physical wellness during hectic times and throughout the year.

Mindfulness enables us to simply exist only in the moment without being pulled forward or backward. We can ease into situations and experience things–good or bad–as they come our way, without judgment. Research shows that mindfulness benefits our mental health as well as our hearts, immune systems, brains, and more.

If you catch yourself constantly worrying about what’s next, obsessing over something from the past that can’t be changed, or agonizing over making everything perfect during the holidays, turn to mindfulness. The following techniques can beat back the holiday blues and ease the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder.

  1. Take a few deep breaths. Focus on the breath flowing through your body.
  2. Scan your body, starting at your feet and moving upwards.
  3. Notice your five senses–note five things you can see, feel, hear, smell, and taste.
  4. Practice moments of self-compassion.
  5. Take a walk and focus on being present with the sights, sounds, and feelings.

The next step is to apply this approach to all areas of life. Melt into conversation at the holiday table, really listen, and stay in the here and now. The year end will feel a whole lot more enjoyable.


Holiday celebrations (and those cold winter months) tend to involve a lot of food. It’s easy to wolf down meals, barely giving them a second thought until you feel lethargic or unhealthy.

Take a second to slow down. The next time you grab for a plate, clear your head and focus on what you’re eating.

  • What does it smell like?
  • What’s the texture like?
  • How does the food feel in your mouth?
  • Which areas of your mouth are responding?

By taking the time to be present while eating, you’ll feel more fulfilled by your food and enjoy the experience.


Small changes go a long way. Shifting your perspective can mean the difference between feeling overwhelmed by the holiday blues and truly enjoying your time with yourself and your loved ones.

If you need help making the shift and overcoming depression, anxiety, seasonal affective disorder, eating disorders, or similar challenges this holiday season, please reach out to me. I’m passionate about providing you with the tools you need to better understand what you’re going through and how to make healthy choices, so you can find happiness.

The post Beat the Holiday Blues & Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) appeared first on Serene Shift.
